10 fantastic things to do outside of Split’s Old Town

I can guarantee that you are going to have a fantastic time in Split. You need a bit of time to see everything, and the best thing is that you can walk everywhere. Why rush it, it is so much nicer to discover the area at a slow pace. In my article Travel Croatia. Things you see while you wander through 1700 years of history in Split’s Old Town I cover everything there is to do in the Old Town. Rest assured that things also happen outside the area of the magical Old Town.

Travel Croatia: 10 fantastic things to do outside of Split’s Old Town

Riva - Go for a stroll along the harbour

It has everything a proper harbour promenade can offer. There are bars, cafes, restaurants, ice cream sellers, charter companies selling boat trips, the smell of the sea, a typical smell of fish, (sadly there was a slight smell of sewage too), lots of people of all ages and walks of life. Find yourself a table at one of the many cafes and bars, especially lovely for coffee very early in the morning while looking out over the calm and light blue sea or at sunset and during the blue hour. 

The Prokurative

This square officially called Trg Republike (Republic Square), is located west of the Riva and gets its name from the arches of the surrounding Renaissance buildings. It is here where you can feel how closely Split and Venice were connected. If you stand in the middle of the square you will have a beautiful view over the harbour and the palm fringed promenade. If I wouldn’t know where I am … I could have seen this square on one of my trips to Venice

Marjan Hill and Veli Varoš

Walk up the 178 metres hill and enjoy the scenery and its sheer magnificent beauty. If you walk up from the Prokurative, it is a steady and easy climb. You walk through Veli Varoš, a part of town with gardens where huge pet rabbits and a lot of cats live. You’ll meet locals exchanging the news of the day. They don’t have a choice but to take a rest every once in a while, as they are carrying their grocery bags all the way up to their hillside property. If you have the time simply stray left and right to find out what is hidden in the cobble stoned alleys that are lined with rustic stone houses. It actually feels like walking through a mountain village.

Door in Veli Varoš

Teraca Vidilica on Marjan Hill

Take a seat at one of the many tables that are directly facing Split. The view from up here over the town is unique. The location is so spectacular; it is well worth to stop here before and after you go for a hike on Marjan Hill.

Info. Prilaz Vladimira Nazora 1. Visit their website for more info.

Teraca Vidilica and its magnificent view

Old Jewish Cemetery on Marjan Hill

Right next to Teraca Vidilica is the entrance to the Old Jewish Cemetery. The cemetery was established in 1573 and was active for 372 years. Look around the more than 700 still visible graves to find the gravestone of Vid Morpurgo, the founder of Split’s first book store.

St Nicholas church on Marjan Hill

The 13th century church is dedicated to St Nicholas. The fishermen regard St Nicholas as their patron. Sit down to gaze in admiration over the Adriatic Sea. This quiet place is perfect to dream, write, kiss ... While I stand here a guy comes along. He looks at me and says "This is where I got married."

St. Jeronimus Church on Marjan Hill

If you walk on you’ll find another small church that was built in the second half of the 15th century. It is dedicated to St. Jeronimus, the saint patron of Dalmatia.

Renaissance Hermit Caves on Marjan Hill

If you stand next to the St. Jeronimus Church you’ll find the walled in caves, where hermit monks lived to protect the church. I reckon you’ll have to be a deeply spiritualist nature ... choosing to live this secluded to protect a church is surely unusual. The view over the Adriatic Sea is to die for.

St Jeronimus Church on Marjan Hill

Green Market on Ulica Stari pazar

What is not to like with probably hundreds of stalls selling fruit, vegetables, cheese, honey, flowers and not to forget dried lavender? It is an excellent place to learn what is in season at the time of your visit. Buy some fresh goodies and have a long picnic at one of the beaches. Locals buy their groceries here, it is not foremost a set-up for visitors. If you keep on walking towards the gate that leads to the peristyle there are also lots of stalls selling bags, hats, beach towels and jewellery.  

Matejuška Port

There is this massive fish hook, maybe two metres in height (or even a bit more) if I guess correctly. As I look around me, it becomes soon clear that it must be a monument dedicated to the fishermen who go out fishing from this harbour. If you are here in the early evening, you’ll meet the fishermen that have a drink while they grill the catch of the day. Split is a modern town with shopping malls and stadiums and cruise tourism, and to see that locals amidst all that stout-heartedly hold on to their traditional way of life is reassuring. It shows once more that this is a town with real people, and not just an open air museum.

You are certainly hungry after a day like this, try one of these restaurants in the Old Town of Split.

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