Sustainable travel. Fashion Revolution Day

You travel a lot? You love to get free stuff? You think if something isn’t free it should at least be inexpensive? We all have said this at least 100 times in our lives “You have to visit XY, it is so cheap”.

Fashion Revolution. Same same but different - only 1 dollar  

When running after all these super cheap things, we should not forget at what price that comes. Just think of all these markets with rows and rows of stalls selling t-shirts for 1 Dollar. After I asked myself what it might cost to produce a t-shirt I
changed my mind. There are designers, producers, vendors who need to be paid, and there are also the costs for cotton, thread, and dye and who knows what else. Do you value people, the environment, and creativity? I do. What do you think? Next time when you are about to buy a cheap t-shirt, will you walk on and not buy it for 1 Dollar? We might not change the world today, but she might become a better place in the future. We all can act responsible when travelling, one tiny little step at a time.

Fashion Revolution Day

Today is Fashion Revolution Day. It is an excellent project (they value people, the environment and creativity) and to show my commitment I took this selfie, wearing my jumper inside out to make a bigger statement. I buy most of my clothes when travelling, like souvenirs they too remind me of a country, of a culture, or of a special moment …  I fell in love with Copenhagen in just one weekend and I bought this Malene Birger jumper on my trip, and yes, it had a nice price tag attached, but it was so pretty and soft, I couldn’t resist, I’m only human after all.

Are you also going to join the Fashion Revolution? What are your thoughts on this topic? Looking forward to hear from you.

From Berlin with love