A few weeks back, it was right at the beginning of
spring, I went to a bakery to buy fresh and crusty bread for dinner. I was
nearly back home, when out of a sudden this handbag displayed in a store window
grabbed my attention. Oh the perks of life in Berlin.
It looked like it would
be able to become a trustworthy friend. It looked sturdy and loyal, like it
wouldn’t complain about living a life too adventurous. I was looking for
somebody who was not too afraid to live a life truly. Somebody who loves
visiting incredible Restaurants. Somebody who likes exhibitions and seeing a
play but was also able to handle the heat and dust while driving through the
desert or the savannah. Somebody who would also never ever mind waiting on the
beach watching the waves come crashing in while I go for a swim and who would
also like to go hiking or browsing book stores. Somebody who fancied camping in
the bush just as much as sleeping in Egyptian cotton bed linen at a boutique
Me and my handbag on the road
Do you also believe that there is nothing, really nothing, like a
versatile handbag? My heart started to beat faster and I went inside the store.
When I touched the soft leather we formed a bond immediately. I bought the bag
and took it home with me. It was love at first sight really. I am sure the bag
had just been made for me, or so …
I take it with me all the time. So far I enjoyed its company in Carmel, Malibu, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Death Valley, Las Vegas (USA), Venice (Italy), Stockholm (Sweden) and Vorarlberg (Austria) tremendously. It is light and it really supports me with holding all my stuff: My jacket for these unforeseeable chilly moments, my camera, my notepad and pen. Depending on where I go, even my iPad never had problems to find room in it. As you will clearly gather the better quality my bag is the happier I am and finding this bag was a turn-up for the books. Unless I go on a large outdoor trip I prefer to travel with a leather handbag instead of a backpack.
I take it with me all the time. So far I enjoyed its company in Carmel, Malibu, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Death Valley, Las Vegas (USA), Venice (Italy), Stockholm (Sweden) and Vorarlberg (Austria) tremendously. It is light and it really supports me with holding all my stuff: My jacket for these unforeseeable chilly moments, my camera, my notepad and pen. Depending on where I go, even my iPad never had problems to find room in it. As you will clearly gather the better quality my bag is the happier I am and finding this bag was a turn-up for the books. Unless I go on a large outdoor trip I prefer to travel with a leather handbag instead of a backpack.
5 things which qualify
a bag as a smart travel companion
1. It has to have zippers and pockets, so that things
can be stashed away securely.
2. It shall not look too obvious to avoid becoming a
target of thieves. With carrying a leather bag you easily slip through as a
local and act more confident.
3. It shall be small enough so it can be taken to
different venues and also used in different situations.
4. It should not be light to not create back pain
while carrying it.
5. It should be of good quality, it always pays off.
What sort of bag do you like to take with you when
travelling? Looking forward to hear from you.
From Berlin with love