My home is furnished in a mix of used furniture from parents and grandparents, and new bought items. Never in my life did I own a tumble dryer. I turn off the lights when not in the room. I rarely ever print documents anymore, walk whenever possible, I don’t use lifts or escalators (if there is a staircase) and recycle paper, glass and even milk cartons. It is the little things that count. Oh well, well, well I sound like a frustrated hippie I guess.
Ideas of how to reduce the use of resources are appearing all over the world. People are introducing concepts, of how to share family holiday homes or cars, when not in use, and how to turn wasted food into consumable food … and what else ... We can learn so much while travelling.
Helsinki Cleansing Day
Do you also often secretly dream of having a peek into other people’s homes? When I travel I am actually dying to do just that (also at home, but never mind). In Helsinki, I was so excited to experience Cleaning Day. Helsinki residents brought out the things they felt they wouldn’t need anymore. Everybody who wanted to was allowed to sell used wares just about everywhere in the city, in parks, on streets, on church stairs. No one needs a permit to do so since there is no organiser. People were selling their books, toys, clothes, furniture, and deco stuff. Young families, the elderly, hip young Finns, giggling teenagers, and loved-up couples came to have a browse. I enjoyed myself greatly when I saw what the Finns hoard behind closed doors.
Recycling made easy
This is recycling made easy but at the same time, it also does amazing things for the community spirit too. We all know there are still too many people who wouldn’t think about their bad habit of throwing everything away too soon. And sometimes I get so angry about this. Here everyone has the chance to learn first-hand what can be done with used things. There was no reprimanding finger-wagging but a friendly and supportive environment, and everybody can join.
Participants are asked to take full responsibility for their goods and actions and not leave any rubbish behind. This is such a great idea, don’t you think? If you would like to read more about a sustainable lifestyle please read Sustainable Travel – Wildlife is Wildlife and Sustainable travel. Join the Fashion Revolution.
Have you ever found an event like this during your travels? Can’t wait to hear from you.
From Berlin with love